ProBlue Safe Stain > ProBlue Safe Stain - 10X solution


ProBlue Safe Stain: a non hazardous solution for staining proteins on polyacrylamide gels.
Coomassie stain does not require addition of methanol and acetic acid for destaining and produces blue bands on a clear background.

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1 L


10 X


ProBlue Safe Stain: a non hazardous solution for staining proteins on polyacrylamide gels. Coomassie stain does not require addition of methanol and acetic acid for destaining and produces blue bands on a clear background.
The main advantages for your labs are:

  • staining in aqueous solution (no special handling or fume hood are required)
  • bands are already visible while gel is being stained
  • no solvent waste problems

Easy to use:

  1. Rinse the gel with deionized water (the gel have to be completely covered by the water) and heat in a microwave oven for about 2 minutes.
  2. Discard the water.
  3. Pour ProBlue Safe Stain solution on the gel until the gel is completed covered and heat in the microwave for 2 min.
  4. Incubate the gel with ProBlueSafe Stain for 2 minutes and discard the ProBlue Safe Stain.
  5. Rinse the gel with of deionized water (the gel have to be completely covered by the water) and boil in the microwave for 2 minutes.
  6. Discard the water and repeat the last step till the protein bands become clearly visible.

Have a look to our tutorial here:

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