NMR Access
Giotto Biotech provides NMR for structure determination, assignment, and screening
A complete battery of NMR instrumentation (solution and solid state), ranging from 600 to 950 MHz, including an 850 MHz for solid-state, is available to meet the most disparate experimental conditions thanks to a close collaboration with the Interuniversity Consortium for Magnetic Resonance (CIRMMP), which also guarantees the quality of the services.
A preliminary HSQC is requested, or can be measured by us, to decide the quality of the spectra and the time required for the service.
Advanced LIMS are available to meet the needs of industry.

950 MHz

900 MHz
Three-channel and 2H decoupling instrument, equipped with a TCI cryoprobe.

850 MHz wide bore
With MAS accessories for solid-state studies, with 1.3 mm and 3.2 mm triple resonance probes.

800 MHz
Four-channel instrument, equipped with a TXI cryoprobe and a high-power probe for the study of fast-relaxing systems.

700 MHz wide bore
With MAS accessories for solid-state studies, with 3.2 mm and 4 mm double and triple resonance probes.

700 MHz
Four-channel instrument, equipped with a TXO cryoprobe for 13C direct detection with 1H, 2H, 13C and 15N decoupling.

700 MHz
Three-channel and 2H decoupling instrument, with a TCI cryoprobe and automatic sample changer.

600 MHz
Three-channel and 2H decoupling instrument, equipped with a TCI 1H/13C/31P cryoprobe, as well as an automatic sample changer.

600 MHz
With HR-MAS accessories and a number of BB probes which cover a frequency range from 600 to 20 MHz.

500 MHz
Three-channel instrument equipped with TCI cryoprobe.